My name is Jana Ramos-Ratliff

One of the reasons I am good at my job helping Medicare beneficiaries navigate the complexities of our health system is that I was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 35 years old and had to learn early what it is like to deal with serious illness.

I truly enjoy my work, because I like the fact that I can use some of my hard-earned lessons in easing the burden of others facing similar journeys as they age. Most of my customers enjoy many healthy and active years past 65 – but almost 1 out of 3 seniors in the U.S. see 5 or more doctors a year. It is inevitable that serious illness will come calling, and when it does I would like to be an extended part of your health care team. If you are a customer of mine, I am here to help you get the benefits you earned and the care you deserve!

I wrote a book about my cancer journey titled “The Pink of It.”

If one of my customers or their loved one is battling cancer, I am happy to donate a copy.

Synopsis of “The Pink of It”

I can now say that I truly understand the meaning of we reap what we sow. You want to predict your future?

Pay attention to your present, and let go of the past. But when we are so busy with everything else in life and forget to pay attention to how we are actually living our lives in the areas that matters the most (physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually), life can be harsh and can teach us some important lessons.

How to set back and go through those difficult times? How to understand why we have to go through certain things without losing it? No, you won’t find all the answers for those questions in this book, but you will find what I did that helped me to go through breast cancer at the age of thirty-five and survive and be stronger than I was before.

When I look back and read my journal, I am amazed by how much I accomplished during the treatment, considering what I went through. But the only thing that comes to my mind is that I couldn’t have done everything alone. No matter where your faith is, you have to believe that you will make it and rely on those who are willing to help you. I believe that this was what got me to win this battle.

Thank you to all who were in my life during that time.